Finally a new post!

10:22 AM

Hello hello my lovelies! Yes, I finally decided to make a blog post. It's been a year or so since I've lasted made one. Switching things up, I decided to make a new blog since my style has changed a quite a bit. Although some things are the same, I just felt like starting all over and fresh!

If you didn't know or follow me on instagram. I am a decor freak. I love decorating my room. I love rearranging things and decorating by seasons! A lot of you seem to like those and tend to ask me quite often where I get everything; so here it is! I will be going over things that were most frequently asked as well as giving you a little tour of my desk area. Some items may no longer be available since I have accumulated these purchases over the years. Knowing where I get them may help you find something similar! Hopefully this will also give you some room inspo! Enough talking, here are the photos!

Latter shelves: Home Goods / Desk: Hand-me down (was originally dark brown wood, but revamped by me) / Side table: Hand-me down / Posters: Aliexpress / Hanging bottles: Michaels

Crate: Michaels / Tray: Home Goods

Cup: Home Goods / Cauldron: DIY / Headphones: SudioSweden (Serena15)

Totoro Cup: Aliexpress

Wax Seal Stamp: Barnes & Noble / Fairy Lights: Target / Apothecary Jar: Target / Mini apothecary jars: Michaels / Fake Plant: Home Goods

That is all for this post, it's not much but I hope that answers all your questions on the items. I really like how I set up my desk area. It feels so warm and cozy to me.

Hopefully this won't be the first and last post I write on this blog! Crossing fingers I get the will to start posting more. If you have suggestions or requests, definitely feel free to make a comment under this post or DM me on instagram. I hope this helped or inspired you in some way! Thank you so much for reading! Have a wonderful day wherever you are, my love. 

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